Principal Preis

  • A Great Place to Learn

    As the principal at Covington elementary I am proud to say that our school is an amazing community. We are full of dedicated staff and teachers, involved and supportive families, and wonderful students eager to learn. Our faculty and staff are highly trained professionals who care deeply about making sure your child’s education is both rigorous and enjoyable.

    Partner Together

    At Covington we value high expectations and want to join with you to promote academic attitude and academic perseverance this year to help each of our students be successful. We believe that each student can achieve great things and want to work together with you to make sure that happens. One way we can partner together is with consistent communication.

    Communicate High Expectations

    One way to have consistent communication is having the same message both at home and at school. That message is high expectations. We believe that students rise to the level of challenge, and we believe that students can accomplish great learning. A second way to have strong communication is through regular conversations with your student’s teacher. Please email or call your student’s teacher(s) and ask questions about their current progress, assignments, and how to support their education at home.


    In addition to communication, another way we can partner is by having you on campus to volunteer. As we continue to navigate Covid guidelines, I value your presence and believe that your presence on campus whenever possible makes a tremendous impact upon student’s minds as they see how much you value their education and the school community. As school gets underway, please check with our school office or Parent Teacher Association (PTA) on ways that you can potentially volunteer.

Contact Me

Last Modified on January 11, 2022