Principal O'Connor

  • Shared Goals and Core Values

    We have ambitious school improvement goals at Park Orchard this year.  We aimto attain 90% (or higher) attendance and more than 10% growth in students at grade level in reading and math.  We will achieve these ambitious goals by leaning on our core values: authentic and meaningful learning, high expectations, and teamwork.

    Authentic and Meaningful Learning: As a staff, we strive to create authentic and meaningful learning experiences for students by exploring the “why” behind learning what we’re learning and by making intentional connections to student interests and real life.

    High Expectations: We intentionally hold high behavioral and academic expectations for all students.  It’s OK to be wherever you are academically or behaviorally but we will not rest there.  We are all committed to continuous growth and development.

    Teamwork: All the above is tough work and can not be done alone.  Students, staff, families, district, and community must come together to work for our most important resource, our children and future.

    We are thrilled to be charged with the most important task of successfully preparing all students for their futures and we invite you join us in this endeavor.

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Last Modified on August 25, 2023