Principal Radford

  • Welcome to the KMHS website

    Kent-Meridian has a long history of excellence in the Kent, WA community dating all the way back to its opening in 1949. I am a true believer in Kent-Meridian students and the Kent community. I grew up in Kent and have worked in our district as a teacher and administrator since 1999.  I started working at KM as a teacher in 2004 and I am honored to serve our school community in my 6th year as principal.


    The KM faculty and staff work to prepare our students to take on the responsibilities of college, career, family, and citizenship by providing our students with a safe, inclusive and high-quality education.  Students may challenge themselves through rigorous International Baccalaureate and College in the High School courses and earn college-level credits without having to leave our high school campus.


    One of the huge strengths of the KM community comes from the diversity of our people. We have different languages, races, ethnicities, religions, and ideas - more than any other high school in the state. We value our diversity, and we celebrate who we are!

    Above all, we want our students to know that everyone BELONGS at KM. Everyone has a different story and circumstances in life, but our school is here to support you and help you grow.


    More than ever, we want our students to partner with us in shaping our school culture.  Remote learning left a gap in our culture and climate that needs to be bridged by connecting with our students in ways we have not tried before.  That is why we have a unique student-led program called Ignite.

    Our Ignite program is engaging 100+ students to develop their leadership skills and co-construct the school environment they would like to see for themselves and their peers.  As leaders and mentors, our students will positively influence the school experience for years to come.

    Each school year seems to have its own challenges and opportunities.  To our students, I want you to know that each year can be the greatest school year ever.  Join me on this journey as we honor every student, every voice, every day.

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Last Modified on September 28, 2023