School Counseling at Daniel Elementary

  • What is the comprehensive school counseling program?

    Our school counseling program supports all students at Daniel Elementary, and provides Tier I classroom guidance, Tier II group counseling, and Tier III one-on-one counseling sessions. The school counselor addresses issues related to academics, social-emotional behavior, and college/career readiness. 

    Our mission

    To ensure that all Daniel Elementary Explorers have the academic and social-emotional skills needed to achieve their full-potential in elementary school.

    Our vision

    All Daniel Elementary Explorers will graduate from high school with post-secondary plans and the personal and professional skills needed to achieve their full-potential. 


    What is said to the school counselor stays with the school counselor UNLESS:

    • a student hurts themself or wants to
    • a student hurts someone else or wants to
    • someone else hurts a student or wants to

    Make a Referral to the Counselor


Last Modified on April 29, 2024