High School HiCap Programs

  • HiCap Opportunities for High School Students

    A goal of the Highly Capable Program is to provide maximum choice at the high school level to enable students to tailor their program of advanced studies as much as possible based on their post-secondary goals. To that end, we offer a variety of rigorous options at the high school level that our highly capable students can participate in including Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), honors courses, and College in the High School. Each of our high schools provide accelerated course enrollment options.

    Services may include:

    • Clustering identified students in a classroom to provide a peer group
    • Adjusting pacing, curriculum compacting, reducing review and repetition, incorporating inquiry, and investigations in instruction
    • Enhanced/Enriched content or curriculum
    • Providing a multidisciplinary approach to learning
    • Differentiation of curriculum and instruction
    • Counseling support for social-emotional needs

    All referred students in grades 9-11 must submit a portfolio by March 1, 2024.

    To find information about the requirements of the portfolio, please visit our assessments page.

    Advanced Placement (AP)

    The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level classes in a wide variety of subjects that students can take while still in high school. They offer students challenging course work and a taste of what college classes are like. When students take an AP course, they have the opportunity to take an AP Exam in that subject, which may make students eligible for college credit.

    College in the High School

    The College in the High School Program is designed to offer highly capable students the opportunity to take rigorous college courses while in high school. The courses are taught by qualified high school instructors who have been approved by appropriate Central Washington University (CWU), Eastern Washington University (EWU), and/or University of Washington (UW) academic departments and colleges as affiliate faculty. Courses must be university catalog courses at the 100- or 200-level and require the same prerequisites.

    International Baccalaureate (IB)

    The International Baccalaureate ( IB) Programme is offered at Kent-Meridian High School. The IB programme is an academically challenging and balanced program of education that emphasizes the development of the whole child-intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. The  is recognized worldwide for providing students in grades 11-12 with a challenging, college-prep curriculum. Graduates from IB programs are highly valued by colleges and universities as the program is known for its rigor, authentic assessment design, and international focus. Students who earn the IB Diploma or the IB Certificate may earn college credit.

Last Modified on September 13, 2023